UPDATE: On March 5, 2024, California voters passed Proposition 1, a two-bill package to include: Behavioral Health Services Act (Senate Bill 326) and the Behavioral Health Infrastructure Bond Act (BHIBA) (Assembly Bill 531).
The BHIBA portion is a $6.38B general obligation bond to develop an array of behavioral health treatment, residential care settings, and supportive housing to help provide appropriate care facilities for Californians experiencing mental health conditions and substance use disorders. A portion of the bond funding will be accessible to the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to make Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BHCIP) grants available to eligible entities.
DHCS is in the process of developing policy guidance for the portion of bond funding specific to the BHCIP. If you are not already signed up on BHCIP’s listserv, please do so now to receive relevant announcements and updates regarding BHCIP and BHIBA. The BHCIP website will continue to be updated as information becomes available.
For additional information on the Behavioral Health Transformation (BHT) occurring statewide, please see the following links: